Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Women In sports

When looking for videos and websites that had more interesting information about women in sports, I came across this video on YouTube. This video shows women and girls doing the sports they love and how just because they are females does not mean they are not capable of the same things men are. They talk about being the best and how if they want to achieve this goal they must go out and do it. Just do it and don't stop. being a female athlete this video gave me chills because i know that if it wasn't for the women before me i wouldn't be playing the sport i love so much now. woman are continuously paving the way for young girls, making what they might have thought a dream into reality. I also came across this quotes said by Donna Lopiano that caught my attention. She says "Sports... It’s a very powerful social change tool because it teaches women confidence, self esteem and strength. It changes them. It’s part of the reason that the guys wanted women out of sports for a very long time.". I believe this statement to be very true because growing up I saw a lot of girls being "put down" because they were too tough, too strong, too tomboyish. Sports brings out the beast in us, it allows us to come alive and compete. Its a way to express ourselves. I believe women should continue to fight for their rights. to continue to fight for the things they want in the world of sports.
 By: Midori Harrison


  1. Wow this post gave me chills too when I watched it! As female athletes I'm sure we can both relate to being underestimated in sports just because we were females. That video did a great job with not just inspiring young girls to live their dream, but also for showing men and non-athletes what women can do. It relates well to the gender roles we learned about that women are set into. This was my favorite post so far because it relates to something I believe in so strongly. Great job!
    -Abbie Minsker

  2. I loved that video! Nike does a really great job of portraying women as strong individuals! i do think women are talked and looked down upon when it comes to sports. They think that just because we are smaller we cant do the things they can do. I use to run track in high school and guys use to think just because I little and wore heels to school that I couldn't run fast or jump over hurdles, but i either came in 1st or 2nd in all my races so it made feel dumb because a girl can do good just like them. I think your post shows women that they can do anything they want no matter what people say, just work hard for it and keep pushing!
    -Tayler Thornton

  3. The girls were so adorable. Loved the video and the message it brought. Women are capable to do the same things as men. If my daughter is interested in any sports I would be behind her 100%. Sports are not designed just for males. Women can do anything they put there minds to. Some women are even better than some males at sports. I have many female friends that I know are on their way to be professional in the sports they play, and im very proud of them for perusing it, and going against society's expectations. Great inspirational video and topic.
    -Dyamone Clark

  4. The video did a wonderful job of inspiring and motivating young girls. Good sport "woman" ship is treating the people you play with and against the way you want to be treated. It gives our young girls self-esteem and personal empowerment because they know they can play the same sports boys/men play and even better.
    LaDonna Conner
