Monday, September 30, 2013

Women In Sports

Hello everyone, my name is Midori Harrison. I play Volleyball here at EMU. I recently transferred from South Florida over the summer. Originally I am from Cleveland, Ohio so I am accustomed to the cold and snow Michigan will bring in these next few months. Since I play volleyball at the division 1 level I do know what it takes to make it to this point. I know what its like to be a female athlete these days. This is why I chose the topic of “Women In Sports”.  Not only did I choose this topic because I can relate to it, but I also chose it to find out more about the women who started the movement for young girls like me to play.  Gaining a better understanding will allow me to appreciate the game that has brought me so far. Women today are still making tremendous strides to keep female athletes on top. I have included the URL to the Women’s Sports Foundation. This site contains a lot of interesting articles, stories,  shops and ways to donate to keep women in the game! 

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